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Student Achievement and General Information

Fox Hollow Elementary 

About Fox Hollow Elementary

Fox Hollow Elementary is located in West Jordan Utah. The Fox Hollow Community strongly supports education and parents are highly involved with the school.  Fox Hollow teachers are dedicated to see that students develop academically, socially, and emotionally.

The mission of Fox Hollow is to maximize every child’s capacity as a learner and to maintain a happy, positive, and nurturing educational environment for children.  To help assure each child’s success, Fox Hollow has five areas of focus: Literacy, Numeracy, Differentiated Instruction, Gifted Education, and Arts Integration.

Faculty and staff at Fox Hollow value childhood, compromise, effort, fairness, family, happiness, humor, kindness, learning, organization, parents, policy, professionalism, progress, quality, safety, stewardship, and teachers.

Fox Hollow parents are encouraged to be involved in the school.  Teachers communicate regularly with parents through home contacts and parent/teacher conferences.

  • Fox Hollow Elementary was completed in July 2011. The library/media center is located in the middle of each classroom cluster. Classrooms are arranged to encourage interaction among teachers and can be reassigned by grade as the student population fluctuates.
  • The teacher/pupil ratio is 1 to 23 in first and second grades, 1 to 25 in third grade, 1 to 26 in fourth grade, 1 to 26 in fifth grade, and 1 to 26 in sixth grade. The actual class sizes vary.
  • The Fox Hollow staff is well qualified. Teachers hail from many different states with a variety of backgrounds and specialty training.
  • Teachers work in collaborative teams in order to give students access to the best talents of each teacher.
  • The curriculum follows State and District guidelines and meets or exceeds all elementary requirements.
  • Fox Hollow students are expected to follow a Code of Conduct for Responsible Citizens which outlines expectations for behavior.
  • Special Education teachers give additional time and support to children struggling in academic and behavioral areas.
  • A guidance specialist is available to provide group or individual counseling. Speech therapy is also provided for students as necessary.
  • Fox Hollow students have the opportunity to use technology as part of their regular curriculum.
  • The school benefits from a supportive, cooperative parent group. PTA officers and parent volunteers provide countless hours of service to the school each week.
  • Well-balanced meals are provided daily through the school’s lunch program. Reduced rate or free lunches are available to students in need.
  • Bus service is provided for students who live 1.5 miles or more from school.
  • Fox Hollow Elementary is striving to meet the needs of accelerated students. Problem solving and higher level thinking skills are introduced in classes, and teachers modify instruction as needed to meet the needs of students.
  • Fox Hollow is using Utah State Trust Lands grant funds to improve reading skills.